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1041 results returned
  • Climate Change Opinion Survey 2021

    In partnership with the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, Facebook Data for Good released a new dataset and findings from the 2021 Climate Change Opinion Survey to support research on #climatechange. These resources can help provide non-profits and...

    • Rating 5.0
  • Data Products and Solutions From Facebook's Data4Good Team

    Quick overview of three data sets from Facebook Data for Good’s mapping team. Alex Pompe Alex is a Research Manager at Facebook’s Data for Good program. He works to bring appropriate technology to people anywhere in the world, especially in...

    • Climate Champions

      This session is for marketers advancing climate action. Hear from organizations that have led successful climate social media campaigns. Increase the ROI of your campaigns with personalization and proper settings to raise awareness, recruit supporters and exceed your goals. Kyle...

      • Event
      • Duration 1h
    • Impactful Internal Communications

      This session will explore the fundamentals of building a strong internal communications and employee experience program. You will learn: How to engage and motivate charity employees The new rules of engagement for hybrid workforces How modern leaders communicate Creating internal...

      • Event
      • Duration 1h
      • Rating 5.0
    • Maximize Your Organization's Impact (Advanced)

      This session is for advanced marketers. Learn about industry trends and changes with personalization and privacy, and advertising considerations to help you raise awareness, recruit supporters, and increase the ROI of your fundraising campaigns. Martha Peña Martha Peña is a...

      • Event
      • Duration 1h
    • The Power of Community for Social Impact

      Join the Facebook team and Facebook Certified Community Managers to learn more about how building effective online communities can support fundraising goals, connect people more closely to your work, and excite and inspire your supporters. Suzi Nelson Suzi Nelson is...

      • Event
      • Duration 1h
    • Mejora la Estrategia de Marketing de tú Organización (Intermedio)

      Esta sesión es para profesionales de marketing que ya han tenido algunas experiencias con Facebook, pero quieren aprender mas acerca de como mejorar sus estrategias para incrementar reconocimiento de marca, donaciones y reclutar voluntarios para su causa. Aprenderás acerca de...

      • Event
      • Duration 1h
    • Comunicação Interna de Impacto

      Workplace for Good Esta sessão irá explorar os fundamentos da construção de um forte programa de comunicação interna. Você vai aprender: Como envolver e motivar os colaboradores da sua organização As novas formas de engajamento para colaboradores remotos Como os...

      • Event
      • Duration 1h
    • Maximisez l'impact de votre organisation (Avancé)

      Cette session est destinée aux spécialistes du marketing avancés. Découvrez les tendances et les changements du secteur en matière de personnalisation et de confidentialité, ainsi que des considérations publicitaires pour vous aider à sensibiliser, recruter des partisans et augmenter le...

      • Event
      • Duration 1h
    • Lancez-vous avec Facebook pour soutenir votre cause

      Cette session est destinée aux responsables communications voulant une introduction aux outils publicitaires Facebook. Apprenez comment amplifier vos messages et soutenir votre cause en établissant votre présence sur Facebook et Instagram, en postant et interagissant grâce aux posts organiques et...

      • Event
      • Duration 1h
    • La communication interne sur Workplace

      Workplace Pour le Bien Cette session explorera les fondements de la construction d'une communication interne réussie et d'une expérience pour les employés Vous apprendrez: Comment engager et motiver des employés bénévoles Les nouvelles règles d'engagement pour le personnel hybride Comment...

      • Event
      • Duration 1h
    • Cómo conseguir una comunicación interna más impactante.

      To enroll in this session, please 1) log in to your account and 2) register for the conference. Workplace para organizaciones sociales Esta sesión explorará los fundamentos de la construcción de un sólido programa de comunicación interna y experiencia de...

      • Event
      • Duration 1h
    • Getting Started with Facebook for Your Cause (Beginner)

      This session is for marketers who are new to Facebook and want to get an introduction to Facebook advertising. Learn about how to amplify your cause and do more good by setting up your presence on Facebook and Instagram, posting...

      • Event
      • Duration 60h
    • Video Editing 101

      In this workshop Drew explores several editing techniques and tools to improve video retention. Learn how to use A/B testing to refine your creative video strategy and how different content types and formats can organically drive traffic to your major...

      • Event
      • Duration 1h
    • Understanding Social Issue Ad Policies

      Learn about the 5 creative considerations for cause driven ads. You’ll see examples from each best practice, and learn how to apply it with your own creative so so you can generate more action for you cause and drive real...

      • Event
      • Duration 1h
    • Creative Cause Driven Ideas

      Learn about the 5 creative considerations for cause driven ads. You’ll see examples from each best practice, and learn how to apply it with your own creative so you can generate more action for you cause and drive real change....

      • Event
      • Duration 1h
    • Introducción a Facebook por tu causa (Principiante)

      Esta sesión es para los especialistas en marketing que son nuevos en la plataforma y desean obtener una introducción a la publicidad en Facebook. Aprende cómo amplificar tu causa y potenciar tu presencia en Facebook e Instagram, publicando e interactuando...

      • Event
      • Duration 1h
    • Maximiza el impacto de tu organización (Avanzado)

      Esta sesión está dedicada a profesionales con conocimiento avanzado. Aprende sobre las nuevas tendencias de la industria, los cambios en las áreas de personalización y privacidad, consejos publicitarios para incrementar la visibilidad, reclutar seguidores e incrementar el retorno de inversión...

      • Event
      • Duration 1h